Use PlayTime Scheduler to Find a Game

The PlayTime Scheduler web site lets you create a pickleball play session, or join one. It is a great way to meet and play with pickleballers.

The web site is at

The Scheduler displays one week of the calendar with colored circles representing play sessions that have been created by other users. Inside each circle is the desired skill level(s), start time, and current player count. The sessions are also color coded by the location's general area (Placer County is in light blue). Session circles with a Bold border are sessions you have signed up to attend. Sessions that are grayed out with CANCLD at the bottom are canceled sessions.

Be sure to read the Help available on the web site to learn details of how to register, create sessions, etc.

Find Playing Partners

You can search the Member Directory.  You can filter the list of members by Gender, Skill Level and Type of skill rating.  For example, if you want to see a list of all members having a particular skill level, filter by that skill level and the list will appear.  You can print the list using your browser's Print function. 
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